Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Fun Day

So I have this thought that on Fridays I can post some of my favorite Kherington and Kimber stories from the week. I will do it this Friday but you should know that my intentions are always much better than my follow-through so this may be the only one... I'm not kidding.

Just a quick review of my girls. I have Kherington, age 5. She is motherly, neat and organized, rule-follower, loves to study and read, doesn't care for being outdoors, extremely particular about how she looks and feels in clothing, only sees in black and white, and is a perfectionist. Then, there is Kimber, age 2. She loves being outdoors, doesn't care if she's dirty, doesn't really care about books, loves her sweets and candies, knows what she wants and will not give in until she gets it, is more concerned with making people laugh and is just plain cantankerous. In fact, I truly believe she has already mastered the art of annoying her sister and does so simply because she thinks it is fun.

Earlier this week I was doing dishes and heard Kherington yell, "Mom! Kimber's getting my iPad all wet!" I knew they were in the living room with no running water or drinks so as I was contemplating how this would happen or why Kherington would make this up about her sister I hear "Mom! Kimber keeps licking my iPad!" As common with Kimber I'm fairly certain she is only doing this because she likes to see her sister upset but I say one of those sentences I never thought I'd say: "Kimber quit licking your sister's iPad!"

Maybe the most interesting part of motherhood lately has been our trip to Disney on Ice. We enter the building and I do what most moms do: head straight to the restroom. Kherington does her business and I take Kimber in to do hers. Here are some things about Kimber and toilets: if Kherington goes and has not flushed, Kimber will not go unless I flush first. If the toilet seat has any scratch on it, she will not go. She's only 2 but very particular about her toilets. She immediately upon entering the stall, stiffens her body, starts reaching for the door and goes into full 2 year old screaming and fit throwing. I try to convince her to let me shut the door but since there is no reasoning with her I leave frustrated. We return to our seats, I tell Anthony what a weirdo Kimber is and 5 minutes before the show starts I take her again to try. She goes in and does her business with no problems. Again, we return to our seats and I tell Anthony how strange she can be. Intermission comes and I, again, do what all moms of young childen do - we return to the bathroom. We enter the stall, Kimber stiffens up, reaches for the door and screams. This time, though, she yells "Not dis one! Not dis one!" So I say "okay okay. Not this one?" "No" she screams. I ask "but we can go to this one?" pointing to the next stall. "Yes!" I then have one of those mom moments where every bathroom encounter with Kimber throwing a fit quickly flashes in my mind and I realize they all had black toilet seats. That's right - Kimber has a fear of black toilet seats. I find a white toilet seat and she goes with no arguing. So now when I'm in a public restroom with a long line, I get to peek in the stall to see the color of the seat and if it's black I get to politely tell the person behind me "go ahead... we'll wait on the next one". You can imagine the looks I get - most filled with disgust wondering what I saw in there that is making me pass it up. I then get the luxury of explaining to strangers how the restroom is fine I just have a 2 year old who refuses to sit on a black toilet seat. Motherhood!

Have a great weekend!

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